AllSett Health Form-Fitting Migraine Relief Ice Head Wrap | $17 | Amazon
It’s been great seeing Charlie Cox return as Matt Murdock in She-Hulk, but let’s not forget his routes in the surprisingly brutal Netflix adaptation. His costume in season 1 was nothing more than a black cowl covering the entire top half of his face. Certainly used as a form of intimidation and stealth since he doesn’t need his eyes to fight, but did you know it served another purpose? We have reason to believe that the cowl was actually an AllSett Health form-fitting migraine relief ice head wrap. He’s a superhero, sure, but he’s not particularly super in the way other marvel heroes are super. When he gets bonked on the head, it hurts! This head wrap allegedly provides him with instant pain relief and the ceiling of a condemned building falls on him. And you can maybe get that same pain relief by picking up your own for $17. Just don’t try fighting in it please unless you are also blind and have spent years training your body and mind to reach heightened levels of spacial awareness.