Protect Your Private Info With up To 28% off These Nifty Little Stamp Rollers

Guard Your ID Stamp Roller (Single, Any Color) | $9 | Amazon | Clip coupon
Guard Your ID Security Stamp Roller Multi-Pack | $24 | Amazon | Clip coupon
Guard Your ID Stamp Roller (Single, Any Color) | $9 | Amazon | Clip coupon
Guard Your ID Security Stamp Roller Multi-Pack | $24 | Amazon | Clip coupon
Graphic: Elizabeth Lanier

Guard Your ID Stamp Roller (Single, Any Color) | $9 | Amazon | Clip coupon
Guard Your ID Security Stamp Roller Multi-Pack | $24 | Amazon | Clip coupon

Look, you don’t want people getting your private info. While you could shred or burn documents to protect your identity, another solution is to use one of these handy Guard Your ID stamp rollers. Grab a colorful 4-pack for 28% off, that’s just $24 (or $6 a piece) when you clip the coupon below the price before checking out. This way, you can give one to your mom and dad too. You know how much Boomers love shredding things, right? Just imagine how much fun they’d have rolling out their personal info on all that junk mail.

If you just want one for yourself, you can grab one for the slightly less-nice-price of $9 each when you clip the 10% off coupon.

And in case you’re worried about how long these stamps will last, you can snag refills, too. It’s win-win all around! Clip the coupon to get $1 off.