August Smart Lock Pro | $99 | Amazon
Is that regular lock and deadbolt combo at your front door not doing it for you anymore? Ready to take the plunge and start using a smart lock? The August Smart Lock Pro is a great place to start, as it’s just $99 right now at Amazon. It lets you control and monitor your door from anywhere as well as lock and unlock it, provide keyless access, and keep track of those who visit your home. Set it up to receive alerts from digital assistants like Alexa, and even start using dash replacement functionality so you’re never out of that important home essential you need again. And one of the coolest things this lock can do? It can tell you, using DoorSense, if your door is locked securely, with a holding force of 600 pounds. So essentially, if you’re concerned about home security, you’re probably going to want to at least give this lock a whirl.