Orzly Nintendo Switch OLED Carry Case | $15 | Amazon
I know you just opened this post so you could get that link, but while you’re here, can I just tell you how good Metroid Dread is? Seriously, that game is amazing. And I’m something of an authority, after all: I was alive when the original Metroid came out on the NES. I mean I didn’t own it or anything; what do you think I was, made of money? No! I was made of meat and water and bacterium! But I was also alive when they released Super Metroid. Did I play it contemporaneously? No! Sadly, the only SNES game I owned that entire console generation was Star Fox (but you should see how good I am at Star Fox: I beat TWO out of the three courses!). But you can bet your buttons I played, and beat, all three Metroid Prime games when they came out, and I definitely went back to play, and dearly loved, Super Metroid. That was a bad context in which to go back and play the NES Metroid, of course, but hey, I appreciate it.
Listen, the point is, the Nintendo Switch OLED is a great machine, and you should protect it so you can play Metroid Dread over and over again into perpetuity. It’s a hardshell case with a lil’ flap for holding eight Switch carts, and it comes in a bunch of cool colors; what more do you want?