Free 30-Day Trial | Prime Gaming
It’s that time again, folks. A new month is fast approaching, which is always a fun time for Prime Gaming subscribers. The subscription service tosses some free games and drops out every month and April is no different. The name of the game this spring is multiplayer. The list of freebies includes Moving Out and Move Or Die - Couch Party Edition, so grab a few friends and get ready for chaos. Subscribers will also get The Escapists, Before I Forget, and Aces of Luftwaffle - Squadrons, so there’s an eclectic batch of titles to sift through.
Free games aren’t the only perk of a Prime Gaming subscription. You can also get some freebies for games like Rainbow Six Siege and For Honor. The biggest prize this month is some exclusive loot for Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. You can grab a Boxzilla costume as well as 6500 kudos. The skin is pretty delightful, so make sure to claim it while you can.
As always, there are way more goodies available this month. You can grab a 30-day free trial if you want to see what the fuss is about and get a whole bunch of drops.