Segway Go-Kart Pro | $1,800 | Best Buy
Just hear me out on this. What if you just ... bought a go-kart? I’m sure you’ve thought about it, right? Maybe as a kid, but it has to have entered your mind. Well, here’s the thing: Best Buy has Segway’s Go Kart Pro on sale today for $1,800 today only. So you could actually do it, if you happen to have that much money to burn. We’re talking a 113 pound hunk of machinery with a top speed of 23 miles per hour. It has built-in Bluetooth speakers too, which can be used to simulate engine sounds or just play some music. Is this excessive? Yes. But is it a childhood dream come true? Absolutely. Go kart around your cul-de-sac and absolutely piss off all your neighbors as a goof.