Protect Everyone From Your Germs With an $8 Neck Gaiter

Mission Hydroactive Neck Gaiter | $8 | Daily Steals | Use code KJMSIN
Mission Hydroactive Neck Gaiter | $8 | Daily Steals | Use code KJMSIN
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

Mission Hydroactive Neck Gaiter | $8 | Daily Steals | Use code KJMSIN

Is a neck gaiter the most effective way of protecting everyone from your germs? Not quite, but it’s way better than nothing, and masks are in short supply. In addition, neck gaiters are a bit better than masks if you’re going for a run in the neighborhood or something... and even outside of the pandemic these babies are good for covering your face from the winter cold (when it’s winter again). Daily Steals currently has a particularly colorful neck gaiter for $8 when you use the code KJMSIN at checkout, so snap one up and have a semi-serviceable mask and something to keep you warm next winter.