Make Your Smile Sparkle With This Oral-B Pro Electric Toothbrush With 38% Off

The Oral-B Pro 5000 Smartseries Power Electric Toothbrush will have you smiling from ear to ear.

Oral-B Pro 5000 Smartseries Power Electric Toothbrush | $104 | Amazon

A good smile can be a huge boon in life. You’re more likely to want to laugh, have a good time, and win people over. You’ll also feel better in general, and that’s a hard thing to put a price on. This Oral-B Pro 5000 Smartseries Power Electric Toothbrush has put a price on it though, and that price is 35% off at $104 today. The Oral-B Pro 5000 Smartseries Power Electric Toothbrush has Bluetooth communication which allows you to track your brushing habits and help round out your routine, has a FlossAction head to help make sure your teeth really get cleaned, and even has a pressure sensor to let you know if you’re being too rough with your teeth. It has five different modes too, which is great for achieving different things.