Make Your Lips Taste Like Chocolate All Winter Long For Just $4, You Weirdo

Lip Smacker M&M Lip Balm Party Pack | $4 | Amazon
Lip Smacker M&M Lip Balm Party Pack | $4 | Amazon
Graphic: Tercius Bufete

Lip Smacker M&M Lip Balm Party Pack | $4 | Amazon

*taps mic* The price of lip balm is too damn high. Admittedly, this pack of Lip Smacker M&M Lip Balm is weird. But if you’re the type of person who wants your lips to taste like chocolate, while also moisturizing and softening ‘em, this is the deal for you.

And, for crying out loud, they’re $4. That’s how much I spend at a bodega this weekend for lip balm. This pack gives you 8, so they should last all winter, or until you lose all of them... whichever comes first.

All of the other lip balm flavors sell for double the price. So go for it.