Make Sure To Get Yourself A New Fitness Tracker In This Best Buy Wearables Sale

Grab yourself a fitness tracker from a range of options like Samsung, Fitbit, and Garmin.

Best Buy Fitness Wearables Sale
Best Buy Fitness Wearables Sale
Image: Jason Coles

Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Watch3 | $240 | Best Buy
Fitbit Sense | $196 | Best Buy
Garmin Venu | $200 | Best Buy

There’s a huge sale on fitness wearables over at Best Buy at the moment and it’s a great chance to upgrade your smartwatch to match your healthy new lifestyle, or just get a watch that’ll nag you if you’re sat still for too long. There are loads of options out there, so we’ve picked three of our favorites for you to keep things simple. This Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Watch3 is down from $430 to $240, and if you’re already using a Samsung phone, then it’s a no-brainer. It’s stylish, can send you notifications from your phone, has Bluetooth connectivity, lets you track things like your VO2 max and your heart rate, and can even call for help if you get hurt.

Of course, if you’d rather go with a classic fitness brand, then maybe you’d like this Fitbit Sense instead. It’s down from $300 to $196, which is a weird amount, but hey, it’s a good watch. This one feels a bit more fitness-focussed, with a subscription to 6-month subscription to Fitbit Premium included, a Daily Readiness Score to tell you if you should train or rest, and it can be used with either Google Assistant or Alexa too.


Finally, we’ve got the Garmin Venu. This one is at $200 down from $300, and is compatible with both iOS and Android phones, so you should be good either way. It tracks things like your water intake, blood oxygen saturation, and sleep quality, and can still keep you updated when your phone gets a notification too. Plus, this one works with GPS systems, so it’s good in a pinch as well.