Hot Air Popcorn Popper | $19 | Amazon | Use code GJ69M5AL
Popcorn can, theoretically, be a low calorie treat that you can enjoy without wrecking your goals or macros. But... well, the way most of us make popcorn, with tons of butter and oil, isn’t quite it, chief. On top of that, microwave bags can be a pain to deal with—my bags always end up as half kernels yet somehow still on the verge of burning, and everyone knows that the smell of burnt popcorn is one hell of a bad kitchen smell that lingers until the end of time. So stop dealing with all that extra stuff and pick up this hot air popcorn popper instead. With it, you’ll get a reasonable portion of popcorn without the need of oil, and it’ll be cooked right every time. By using the code GJ69M5AL at checkout, this baby is a low low $19!