Crave Naturals Glide Thru Detangling Brush | $10 | Amazon | Use code 15K63UOO
Do you spend more time defeating tangles when you step out of the shower than you do actually washing your hair? That’s got to stop. Pick up the Crave Naturals Glide Thru Detangling Brush for just $10 at Amazon right now, with promo code 15K63UOO, through September 12. This brush is a pro at helping you effortlessly “glide through,” as the name implies, the tangles that plague your mane. It’s shaped in a way that will help you dig in and tackle the tangles on west or dry hair, all without pain, breakage, or other frustrating hair situations. Stop fighting with your hair and grab one of these to tame your mop. You’ll be glad that you did.