It’s almost time to file your taxes! You’ll need to have your tax return completed and any fees paid by April 15. That’s only days away. If you’ve been waiting until the last minute to file your taxes (like so many of us have been), it’s time to make your move.
We understand. Doing taxes isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time. We all have to do them, though, so might as well save a bit of money while you’re at it – and H&R Block is your best bet when it comes to handling your taxes in a quick, accurate, and affordable manner. This year, you can save big by going with one of the biggest names in the tax filing space with 20% off select online tax prep products at H&R Block.
20% Off Select Online Tax Prep Products | H&R Block
H&R Block has been around since the 1950s - they’ve been doing people’s taxes forever. So you know they have the experience to get everything right and get you the biggest refund possible. There’s a reason the company has fielded over 935 million returns worldwide, after all.
You can go into an H&R Block office to have them do your taxes in person. Or you can do it online yourself and still get help from the tax pros when you need it. There’s also a virtual option where you can do a video chat with a tax pro – and they have 10 years of experience on average, so they can handle any tax situation.
So if you need to get your taxes done, be sure to take advantage of this sale. Get the biggest refund possible and make sure your taxes are done right. The sale won’t last forever though, so don’t wait too long – you’ve only got a few days left until the tax deadline comes and goes. Let the pros at H&R Block handle it for you this year and don’t keep putting it off.