Kill Some Zombies in Telltale's The Walking Dead Collection, Only $19 on Xbox One

The Walking Dead Collection (PS4) | $24 | Amazon
The Walking Dead Collection (XBO) | $19 | Amazon

For all my Walking Dead obsessed people, The Walking Dead Collection by Telltale Games is only $24 on the PS4 and $19 on Xbox One. You can shoot zombies and make decisions that’ll surely fuck you up in the long run. That price is about 54% off MSRP, and about $7 down from previous Amazon prices. The Walking Dead Collection contains all four seasons, including my baby Clemintine, who has become hardened after living in a post-zombie world. Wild. Anyway, hop on this deal because I’m not sure how long it’ll last.

This deal was originally published by Ignacia on 08/16/2020 and updated with new information on 09/18/2020.