Kill Chaos in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin for $20 Off

Chaos? Chaos. Chaos, Chaos ... Chaos (Chaos), Chaos!

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (PS5) | $40 | Adorama
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (PS4) | $40 | Adorama
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (XBO/XSX) | $40 | Adorama

Never has an objective in a video game been made more clear. Kill Chaos. In the new world of self-serious single-player stories that try to capture serious drama, drawing comparisons to award-winning films, it is a breath of fresh air to see a game as silly as this. Final Fantasy has always had its own flavor of wackiness throughout its otherwise serious story, but Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin seems to be walking a line where you can’t tell if the creators behind it are fully aware of how charmingly dumb and one-note these characters appear. And you know what? That is great. That is a great thing. Give me more of that in games. Games are inherently weird and dumb so let’s let the characters and stories be too.


This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 03/18/2022 and updated with new information on 08/26/2022.