Keep Your Red Bull, White Claw, or Other Skinny Can Drink Cold for up to 12 Hours With 63% Off a 2-Pack of Swig Coolers

Get yourself a 2-pack of Swig skinny can coolers for $22 right now at MorningSave

2-Pack: Swig 12oz Skinny Can Cooler | $22 | MorningSave
2-Pack: Swig 12oz Skinny Can Cooler | $22 | MorningSave
Graphic: Elizabeth Lanier

2-Pack: Swig 12oz Skinny Can Cooler | $22 | MorningSave

It’s hot as heck outside lately, and you need to stay hydrated. But these skinny can drinks? It seems like you have to drink them fast if you don’t want a lukewarm seltzer or soda.

Sip your ice cold skinny can drink at your own pace with the help of a Swig 12oz Skinny Can Cooler— you can get a 2-pack of these over at MorningSave right now for just $22!

These coolers come in your choice of four stylish designs (“Cotton Candy” and “Palm Springs” are pictured above) and would even make a great gift for your Red Bull or White Claw obsessed friend.

To use them, just push the can directly into the cooler. Then for removal, you just have to twist off the top ring before pulling the can out. Easy-peasy!