Indacloud's Biggest Sale Ever: 42% Off Everything

Celebrate 420 in the best way imaginable by replenishing your stash of edibles, vapes, flower, and more.

All of Indacloud’s fine wares are 42% off, because they couldn’t make them 420% off.
All of Indacloud’s fine wares are 42% off, because they couldn’t make them 420% off.
Graphic: Mike Fazioli

Our favorite legal cannabis company is outdoing itself to celebrate 420: Everything on the site — gummies, vapes, flower, prerolls, and more — is 42% off. Delta-8 and dispensary-grade Delta-9 products, including Indacloud’s famous nostalgic edibles like Grape Funta gummies, and cereal treats, are all 42% off.

Indacloud 420 Sale | Everything 42% off | Indacloud

No matter how long your next chill sesh is or how many friends you enjoy it with, you’ll be amply stocked. Free shipping kicks in at $49, and expedited free shipping at $99. Don’t miss the Mike Tyson-branded ear-shaped Mike Bites if you want a laugh to go along with your buzz!
