Illuminate Your Life With a $25 5-Pack of Solar-Powered Outdoor Lights

5-Pack: Hakol Outdoor LED | $25 | MorningSave
5-Pack: Hakol Outdoor LED | $25 | MorningSave
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

5-Pack: Hakol Outdoor LED | $25 | MorningSave

Is your current garage light not cutting it? Today at MorningSave, you can get a 5-pack of LED, solar-powered, waterproof, motion sensor lights for just $25. That’s pretty damn good, if I do save so myself. These are mainly outdoor lights, so you can use them to light up the driveway or backyard for safety and security. Basically, anywhere there’s a dark spot around your home, you can stick one of these bad boys and you’ll be good to go. This sale only lasts until the end of the day though, so act fast!