All-Clad Stainless Steel 15" Roasting Pan | $40 | Macy’s | Promo Code VDAY
You know this sure would have come in handy at Thanksgiving, when I was getting all ready to make a turkey and realized I didn’t buy a roasting pan and the store was closed. I figured it out, as we all must, but maybe I should buy this 15" roasting pan for next year. It’s stainless steel and, for its normal price of $170, it had better be high. quality (for full effect, the proper pronunciation of quality in this context makes it sound a little like it starts with “koala”). But even if it’s only medium quality, the sale price of $40 you get after you apply the VDAY promo code is a fine price to pay, if only to stop the waste of using those crappy aluminum ones they sell at the grocery store. And hey, it comes with two potholders so you can stop grabbing things out of the oven with your bare hands! So take advantage of this Valentine’s Day proposal—yes Valentine’s Day, one of the Great Roasting Holidays—and get this pricey-enough-to-make-you-tug-your-collar pan for a regular pan amount of money!