43% off HP 4-Port USB-C 3.0 Hub | SideDeal
Sometime after Apple cursed us with this single-port fate with the debut of its 12-inch MacBook in 2015, every laptop maker decided to take away the USB ports you know and love in favor of a reversible—and often faster—USB-C port you can only plug one accessory into at a time. These days, our laptops tend to have at least two USB-C ports, but if that’s not enough (it’s not), SideDeal is offering up HP’s official 4-port USB-C 3.0 hub for 43% off.
While it’s not exactly a multimedia hub since there’s no VGA- or HDMI-out, it will free up a few ports for when you ARE ready to snap up a USB-C to HDMI (or VGA) adapter. Plus, it’s a steep enough discount that you can pick two of ‘em up and expand your USB Type-A inventory to eight. Never fear running out of ports again for the low, low asking price of just $17.