SurityPro CBD Soft Chews for Dogs | Canopy
Your pup does a lot for you: Greets you when you come home, watches TV with you, eats any food you drop on the floor. Maybe you should do a little something extra for them? Why not let your dog try some Canopy SurityPro CBD treats!? CBD is the stuff from the good green stuff without the THC stuff— so don’t worry, you’re not getting Bingo stoned.
These CBD treats come in several varieties (and different sizes for small, medium, and large dogs) for your dog’s needs. My top pick are these SurityPro Calm CBD soft chews for $35.
These SurityPro Healthy Aging CBD chews support older doggos— grab them for small dogs for $33.
You can help active dogs’ joint health and flexibility with these SurityPro Active CBD soft chews, $35 for medium dogs— and did I mention the flavor on these various treats? Smoky bacon. Yeah, your pup is gonna love ‘em.