Carcassonne Big Box | $60 | Amazon
Carcassonne is on sale today but let’s get something out of the way first. It’s not that hard to pronounce. Car-ca-sown. At least, I’m pretty sure that’s right. Nobody correct me. All you really need to know is that you can buy the Carcassonne Big Box for $67 on Amazon. You can clip a coupon as well to save $7 and bring it down to $60 total. Carcassonne is an extremely satisfying tile-based board game where players collectively build a map. Place rivers, roads, cities, and more by dropping down tiles. The goal is to get the most points by placing “meeples” and claiming areas. The Big Box includes 11 of the game’s expansions, over 150 tiles, seven meeple types, and more. It’s a fantastic game that’s particularly chill. Just make sure you have a big table to play it on.