Grab Gears 5 for $5 and Play a Video Game Featuring Impossibly Gigantic People

Gears 5 | $5 | Best Buy
Gears 5 | $5 | Best Buy
Screenshot: Microsoft

Gears 5 | $5 | Best Buy

In perhaps the most fitting price-to-title match ever, Gears 5 is currently $5. For those that base their game buying decisions on a price/content ratio, that’s $1 per gear. Perfect value. Frankly, $5 is a genuine steal for this game. Gears 5 is an excellent installment of the long-running Gears of War series that’s jam-packed with memorable action and a memorable lead character. It also has characters that are just too large. The biggest human beings you’ll ever see. What’s fun about the Gears series is that it’s a game about very big people being sad. It’s a big melodrama that’s almost a parody of soap operas. Gears is basically wrestling, but for video games. You love to see it.