Hunnibi No-Drip Honey Dispenser | $22 | Amazon | Promo Code 1681F5MX
So uh ... just in case you have made a habit of administering honeys, syrups, or chocolate sauces so sloppily that you need a separate container to prevent meals from devolving into chaos, Hunnibi is here to help. The Hunnibi No-Drip Honey Dispenser is 16% off on Amazon with promo code 1681F5MX and it doesn’t just to apply to honey products, despite being styled after a lovely honeycomb. Here’s how it works: Basically, you twist the cap, push the center piece at the top, and the honey comes out from the bottom, but when you stop it shuts automatically without leaving any of those nefarious sugar syrup trails. The dispenser holds up to 8 ounces of liquid and comes with an airtight bottom-stopper to prevent whatever’s in it from going bad. It’s like if the things on the counter at IHOP actually worked and hadn’t yet been sneezed on by 3-year-olds.