Get Some Help With Kindle's Latest Book Sale

Reader favorites under $5 | Amazon
Reader favorites under $5 | Amazon
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

Reader favorites under $5 | Amazon

If there’s one constant in life, it’s that there’s a Kindle Store sale going on. This weekend, you can save on some reader favorites and add to your ever-growing book backlog, all for under $5 a book.

There is something that strikes me about this sale, though. The reader favorites cover a variety of genres, sure, but there is... a lot of self-help books. The very first book on this list is Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything, and looking through the sale’s eight pages reveals more self-help books like Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me) and The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. In short, y’all need help, and these books have one of the many, many answers available to you. Which is great! It’s not like therapy is affordable to everyone.

Oh, there’s also some books about math or something.