Xbox Live Gold: 3-Month Subscription | $10 | StackSocial
Congrats on getting your new Xbox! It’s time to take that puppy online. Xbox Live Gold grants you access to online multiplayer as well as an assortment of free games gift to you each month. StackSocial has 3-month subscriptions for just $10. But here’s the best part. Xbox allows you to have up to 36 months prepaid on your account. If you buy several 3-month subscriptions, you can pay $1 to upgrade all of that to Game Pass Ultimate. Congratulations. You just paid super cheap for three years of access to Xbox Game Pass’ expansive library—something that would normally cost you $15 per month. You’ve beaten the system. Good job. Take note though that this will only work if you are not already subscribed to Game Pass Ultimate.
This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 09/09/2022 and updated with new information on 11/24/2022.