Male Bladder Leakage Underwear | Confitex
Okay, so no one actually loves talking about incontinence at all. Let alone male incontinence, which is a weirdly taboo subject, even though dudes about half the human population of earth. What Confitex and its line of Reusable Male Bladder Leakage Underwear aims to do is help the 1 in 5 men who experience leakage (for its many reasons!) feel more confident and secure in everyday activities. Comfortable, leakproof, waterproof, and absorbent, Confitex trunks are legitimately designed to be a man’s best friend. They’re not just discreet and reliable, either; they’re an eco-friendly choice that ... let’s be honest, here ... prevents folks from feeling awkward when purchasing incontinence products at their local drugstore. Just wash, dry, and rewear. No “This feels like it was meant for old people...” public purchases involved. They were also initially invented “with elite athletes in mind,” so it’s basically like wearing your favorite team’s jersey. On that note, Go Birds.