BioBidet Bliss BB2000 | $640 | Amazon
When we’re huddled around the fire, telling our grandchildren about the beginnings of the 2020 pandemic, there’s no doubt the Great Toilet Paper Shortage will get at least a nod. Once people got wind of that, bidets started going out of stock, too. It makes sense; your apartment’s already got water flowing, toilet paper stock is one less thing to worry about having to trek into the store for, and you’re saving a bit of paper along the way. Right now, the BioBidet Bliss BB2000 is down from $1,500 to $640. Still a big ol’ yikes from me, but if you want a bidet with an on-demand heating system, stainless steel nozzle, wireless controls, and motors, go for it.
Not all bidets are this pricey, and a quick search on Amazon shows there’s plenty of good ones you can get for a lower price. Here’s one for $43, another for $29, and a flashy one for $90; take your pick.