Choose From Dozens of iPhone 6s and 6s Plus Cases For Under $5 Each

Apple’s announcing their new iPhones today, and if you’re already planning on picking one up, Spigen wants to sell you your first case for just a few bucks. You might not need it for a couple weeks, but if you buy one now, you won’t be tempted to spend $40 on one of Apple’s at the store.

Promo code IP6SDEAL will take 80% off the listed price of everything you see below, dropping them all to well under $5 each. Just note that some of the cases will only work with the new iPhones, while others are also backwards compatible with the outgoing iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

Update: Some people can’t seem to get the promo code to work at all, and others are having no trouble. We’re trying to figure out what’s going on, and we’ll update when we know more.

iPhone 6s Cases - Compatible with iPhone 6S Only

iPhone 6s Thin Fit Case (Black)

iPhone 6s Air Skin Case (Soft Clear)

iPhone 6s Liquid Skin Case (Crystal Clear)

iPhone 6s Style Armor Case (Mint)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Cases - Compatible with iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Ultra Rugged Case (Black)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Neo Hybrid Case (Satin Silver)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Neo Hybrid Carbon Case (Gunmetal)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Slim Armor Case (Gunmetal)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Capsule Case (Crystal Clear)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Wallet S Case (Black)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Slim Armor CS Case (Gunmetal)

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Screen Protector Crystal Clear

iPhone 6 / iPhone 6s Screen Protector Glass

iPhone 6s Plus Cases - Compatible with iPhone 6s Plus Only

iPhone 6s Plus Thin Fit Case (Black)

iPhone 6s Plus Air Skin Case (Soft Clear)

iPhone 6s Plus Liquid Skin Case (Crystal Clear)

iPhone 6 Plus / iPhone 6s Plus Cases - Compatible with iPhone 6 Plus / iPhone 6s Plus

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Ultra Rugged Case (Black)

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Ultra Hybrid Case (Crystal Clear)

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Neo Hybrid Case (Satin Silver)

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Neo Hybrid Carbon Case (Gunmetal)

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Neo Hybrid EX Case (Rose Gold)

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Slim Armor Case (Gunmetal)

iPhone 6 Plus / 6s Plus Capsule Case (Crystal Clear)

iPhone 6 / 6s Plus Slim Armor CS Case (Gunmetal)

iPhone 6 / 6s Plus Screen Protector Crystal Clear

iPhone 6 / 6s Plus Screen Protector Glass

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