Celebrate Friday's Full Moon by Ordering This Gorgeous Pocket Tarot Set

Every magic wielder needs a pocket tarot set while on the go.

The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot | $13 | Amazon
The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot | $13 | Amazon
Graphic: Sheilah Villari

The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot | $13 | Amazon

Happy Pink Moon, my witchy friends. What better way to celebrate a new season than with a new tarot deck. This one from Kim Krans is a portable version of her bestselling deck. Order The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot now and save 30%.

Her beautiful and haunting art is displayed on each of the seventy-eight cards. You will also receive a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guidebook. Learn new pulls, and don’t be intimidated by how to read for you or your pals. The eco-friendly tin keeps them safe while you are on the move. It’s a little different than the traditional set you might be familiar with but no less connective. I’ve had this deck in my purse and love doing impromptu sessions. Bring the magic wherever you go. Happy fortunes to you all.