15% Off Mother’s Day CBG | DadGrass | Promo Code MOTHERTOKER
Have you ever tried to tell your mom to chill out? How’d it go? Yeah, probably not well. But if you’d offered her a few drops of Mom Grass Anytime Formula CBG Tincture instead, it may have been a different story. The unique blend from the dudes behind Dad Grass is a 100% organic full-spectrum CBG (I’ll explain) tincture, and it’s infused with a dash of mint for a little freshness. CBG is the base of both THC and CBD, so you know it’s good stuff. At the very least, mother’s little helper is here to help her relax, bliss out, and maybe even unlock a little extra creativity. It’s also not too powerful, since we all know parents are a amazed by the strength of what’s out there these days. While you’re shopping for their new Anytime Formula blend, you can enjoy 15% off the entire Mother’s Day Collection. Just drop the promo code MOTHERTOKER at checkout.