No Time to Die 4K Blu-ray | $20 | Amazon
This is Daniel Craig’s last outing as James Bond—we mean it this time—and the No Time to Die 4K Collector’s Edition Blu-ray is now at its lowest price since release, with this $10 discount (the Amazon page calls this a $30 discount, but it’s basically never actually been at that price). I still haven’t seen the movie, but judging by the trailer I just watched, it’s Old Man Bond vs. The Technology, and continues the Daniel Craig theme of humanizing the superspy, rather than just having us watch all the cool stuff he can do (but probably he does a bunch of cool stuff, too). Rotten Tomatoes has it scored at 83%, while Metacritic gives it a 68, with only two negative reviews out of the 66 reviews in the average. Basically, people like it, I probably will, and chances are good you will, too.
If you’re about to go into the comments to holler about how nobody buys physical anymore, listen: we hear you, we see you, your feelings are valid, but there are people for whom high bitrates are important. Let them have their discs.