Buy All This Arcade Stuff for Up to $150 Off and Say Goodbye to the World

GameStop is selling Arcade1Up full-size and countertop cabinets, cocktail tables, and stools for deep discounts right now.

Arcade1Up Street Fighter II Stool | $70 | GameStop
Arcade1Up NBA Jam Counterarcade | $150 | GameStop
Arcade1Up Ms. Pac-Man Cocktail Table | $550 | GameStop
Arcade1Up X-Men Full Size Cabinet | $650 | GameStop
Arcade1Up Street Fighter II Stool | $70 | GameStop
Arcade1Up NBA Jam Counterarcade | $150 | GameStop
Arcade1Up Ms. Pac-Man Cocktail Table | $550 | GameStop
Arcade1Up X-Men Full Size Cabinet | $650 | GameStop
Graphic: Wes Davis

Arcade1Up Street Fighter II Stool | $70 | GameStop
Arcade1Up NBA Jam Counterarcade | $150 | GameStop
Arcade1Up Ms. Pac-Man Cocktail Table | $550 | GameStop
Arcade1Up X-Men Full Size Cabinet | $650 | GameStop

I am very sad that I’m broke right now because I really want to buy one of these Arcade1Up machines at GameStop. Being a gentleman of advancing years, the machines in this deal represent some of the earliest and most accessible escapism I ever experienced as a youth, and there are few things I want more than to put an actual arcade cabinet in my basement and force my disinterested family to play classics like X-Men, NBA Jam, or Ms. Pac-Man with me. Or heck, I’d even settle for setting up some Street Fighter II stools at my bar. Regardless, GameStop is having a giant sale on this stuff right now that includes not just full-size cabinets, but also cocktail tables, mini countertop arcades, and more, with up to 34% in discounts, but you’re going to want to hurry, because things appear to be selling out quickly—I wanted to promote the $200 off Centipede machine, for example, but it’s already gone!

But friend, don’t despair if your favorite game is sold out at GameStop; Best Buy is having a smaller sale with the same discounts on a few counter top and full size machines!