Be Ready for Fire Emergencies With a Kidde Fire Escape Ladder, Just $24

You never know when this thing might come in handy.

Kidde Fire Escape 2-Story 13' Escape Ladder | $24 | Amazon
Kidde Fire Escape 2-Story 13' Escape Ladder | $24 | Amazon
Graphic: Brittany Vincent

Kidde Fire Escape 2-Story 13' Escape Ladder | $24 | Amazon

Fires can be absolutely terrifying, especially if you live in a building that’s pretty high off the ground. If you find yourself with no way to get out, you’re at the mercy of those coming to rescue you, and it could be a while. Be ready with the Kidde Fire Escape 2-Story 13' Escape Ladder, just $24 at Amazon. You just need to attach it to your window and climb down. The latter is durable, sturdy, and flame-resistant, and its can hold up to 1,000 pounds. The idea is that it can get you to safety fast, and you don’t need to worry about putting it together or anything. At this price, it’s worth keeping one in your bedroom if you need it just in case. And hopefully you never do.