Monthly Subscription | 12-month plan $20, 6-month plan $25, monthly plan $30 | BarkBox
Mother’s Day may be on the horizon, but this month is all about our pups. (Sorry, Mom.) Just in time for National Pet Day on April 11, BarkBox is offering 15% off monthly subscriptions – meaning your good boy or girl can feel like it’s their holiday 12 times a year! Each box comes with two original toys that range from plush to extra-tough for heavy chewers, plus two healthy treats that can be customized for picky eaters. In addition to the 15% discount, you can also double up on your first box for free. That’s four toys and four treats for the furry bundle of joy (or undeniably adorable terror) in your life. Your first box also comes with a free pet DNA kit from Ancestry. Perhaps your rottweiler descends from a long line of Roman guard dogs and that’s why he loves watching The Sopranos with you. Still not convinced? (I hope your dog is side-eying you as we speak.) Well, each Barkbox has its own theme and includes a surprise item or activity that goes with it. No two months will be the same, but each one will be just as fun as the last. Most boxes arrive within five days, so subscribe today (Friday, April 5) for yours to come in time for the holiday. Happy barking!