Back to School Deal: Take 40% Off Quip's Oral Care Products for Kids and Adults

Give your kid the brightest smile in the class and keep your mouth healthy and clean with these great bargains.

Notebooks, pencils....toothbrush? Yes, Quip’s kids’ electric toothbrushes are definitely backpack-worthy.
Notebooks, pencils....toothbrush? Yes, Quip’s kids’ electric toothbrushes are definitely backpack-worthy.
Graphic: Mike Fazioli

Quip’s high-quality oral care products have been on our radar for a long time — last year we called them out for having the best electric toothbrush subscription model. Now they’re back with a great 40% off Back to School Deal on toothbrushes, starter kits, and more, for both kids and adults when you use the code FOCUS40

Quip Oral Care select products | 40% off | Quip | Code: FOCUS40

Why do we love Quip’s oral care products so much? Simplicity. These are affordable, no-frills electric toothbrushes that just get the job done and keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean. And when you can send your kid to school with a Smart Electric Toothbrush for just $27, it’s well worth it to keep them from being that kid with the bad breath. Get the adult version for yourself too for the same $27 price ($30 for the metal version). And there are also starter kits for Quip’s cavity-preventing and breath-freshening mint gum with a dispenser for only $6 ($12 in metal), refresh bags to tote your Quip products for $24, metal water flossers for $39, and more awesome Back to School deals activated when you use the FOCUS40 code at checkout.
