And after this comment, I had to google that. The net is surely a curious place. Read more
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
True in my experience. Picked up a Dell Inspiron i3137 recently for $300 that comes with Windows 8 and a touchscreen. It was the 4th gen Celeron processor I really was after (love having 7-8 hours of battery life in general use) but the touchscreen came as a pleasant bonus.
Wasn't holding out for the touchscreen but… Read more
Here at Lifehacker, we think of ourselves as a home base for the helpful, practical, and productive...and we've…
TL;DR: Empathy is the most important skill you can practice. It will lead to greater success personally and…
In case people hadn't seen this:… Read more
For the interested, you can remove the Extensions from Chrome simply by right-clicking on them from the browser toolbar, and selecting Remove Extension. Read more
Very true. I had been enjoying Smooth Gestures for a little while when I started to get an adware plugin that would pop up whenever I was looking on a retail related site (Amazon, Craigslist, etc...) called "Superfish". A little research on Google and some turning on/off my extensions eventually pinpointed Smooth… Read more
This week, Ars Technica and How-To Geek released some pretty startling news: a lot of browser extensions are either…
Please read the article before commenting. Read more
Watching movies and TV shows on your computer is easy, but if you do a lot of downloading or ripping, you need a…
No matter how productive you are in a day, it always seems like there aren't enough hours before bedtime. Part of this is due to the way our brains perceive time. Luckily, you can turn this around. The more information your brain has to process, the more time it feels has passed. So, to make the day feel longer,… Read more