Whitson Gordon
Whitson Gordon is a writer, gamer, and all-around tech nerd. He eats potato chips with chopsticks so he doesn't get grease on his mechanical keyboard.

Well, he didn’t do 1080p because the upscaled portions from the GOUT DVD would look pretty bad next to 1080p footage. So 720p brings everything a bit closer together and, in theory, looks better overall because it’s more consistent. I was pretty impressed with how good it looked even at 720p. Read more

I don’t really see “green”, but the color correction probably isn’t perfect. But I’d rather have a small tint issue than a GIANT tint issue. I’m not sure what you mean about the letterboxing. Read more

Don’t get too excited. They only work, like, half the time for me. It seems like the live tiles are either half-assed or very, very buggy. Read more

In my tests, no—the web interface did not give me as high of quality as the Windows app. I took screenshots of movies from each and compared them side-by-side (I wish I still had them, I would post them here). Read more

It doesn’t help that Netflix is still calling anything exclusive to it a “Netflix Original”, even if it had no hand in producing it (e.g. Scrotal Recall). Read more

Ugh, yeah. But at least the Cortana integration gives you another option for jumping right to a specific show! ...but then you’d need a microphone... Read more

Oh don’t worry, I finished it the weekend it came out. I’m now re-watching it with my wife :-) Read more

Yes, like I said at the end of the post, the video quality is noticeably better, at least in my experience. (Might depend on what you’re watching, too.) Read more

Microsoft Security Essentials/Windows Defender is not sufficient antivirus protection. Read more

Curiouser and curiouser. Guess they wanted to push people to watch the special editions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Read more

A New Hope comes with a bunch of different sound mixes. The primary track is a reconstructed 5.1 DTS-HD MA mix from (I think) a film print. But it also contains a stereo DTS-HD MA track from a 35mm print, a mono DTS-HD MA 35mm mix, and two stereo mixes from the 1985 and 1993 laserdiscs. Read more

I wish they’d kept that too! I actually like that scene a lot. I feel like it does a better job of establishing that Luke has a lot of flying experience, and isn’t just some random dude that they give an X-Wing too and happens to save the day. I feel like it adds a bit of necessary backstory. (I know they mention it Read more

Honestly, if we’re just going by number of changes, I like most of the changes. The CGI space battles are better, the little fixes like the prison hallway are nice, and I honestly don’t even mind the addition of Hayden Christensen in Return of the Jedi. The problem is the changes I don’t like are the ones with a much Read more

While that would be a lot easier, I imagine that the upscaling still isn’t as good as true 720p. The vast majority of the Despecialized Edition comes from the Blu-Ray, with only the necessary clips taken from the upscaled DVD. Read more

Check out the video in the post, Harmy discusses that. Unfortunately, it’s a very low quality version of the film—lower quality than most DVDs. I haven’t seen the laserdisc version, but I expect it’s better than the special feature on the 2006 DVD. Read more

I’ll believe it when I see it. (And I hope they do a better job with the color correction than they did the first two times around.) Until then, I’ll be watching the Despecialized. Read more