This is magical. Definitely horny now. Read more
I once smoked a bowl with my dealer, who was a weird and lonely man. He took our conversation on very odd tangent about dolphin love and consensual dolphin sex and what qualifies as dolphin rape. I never called him again. Read more
My group of regulars is right there with you guys, Kirk. I think it hit me when I got the Crux and spent a day leveling my Eidolon Ally to attain the Necrochasm, only to realize the weapon that should be the ultimate in the game looks like crap, handles like crap, and can't kill worth a damn. Read more
Something like this almost happened in Crota the other night. I ran sword and was taken down by Crota on our third sword. Our bubble guy ran up to the sword, grabbed in, and started hacking away with Crota as the Oversoul burned away. He was one swipe away from saving the run, but the Oversoul made sure he couldn't do… Read more
I'be been having trouble with storage on a 16GB iPhone over the past few months. Just cleaned up 1.5gb of cached files, so this was a success! Read more
This has been a great week for defender titans. Unfortunately, in a few weeks the nerfs will come, and the rest of 2015 will be miserable for the bubble bros. Read more
Especially Kenzan and Ishin Read more
A timely post, as I am scheduled to play Thrones with some friends tonight, for the first time. I'm going to carve those suckers into an army of Reeks. Read more
What are the odds of a Blood Dragon 2? That was one of my favorite experiences of 2013, and I'm really hoping it gets the "bad sequel" treatment, in an excellent way. Read more
Traveler help us all once Bungie stirs from its holiday slumber and patches all of the exploits in Crota's End. Read more
For at least a couple of months, the audio during the templar battle in the Vault of Glass would cut out. Bungie repeatedly patched and removed exploits from that battle, and yet the audio glitch remained. Read more
Pretty disappointed at the lack of Vita deals this BF. Here's hoping to pay dirt during CM. Read more
I'm getting a very Hall and Oates vibe from these characters. Read more
I'm a big fan of the classic back pocket wallet, but most wallets have too large a profile to sit on for 8+ hours a day. I've tried many different low profile wallets and the one that suit me best was the Slimfold Micro - it's light, tough, carries a ton, and has the lowest profile I was able to find. The original… Read more
Thanks for clarifying! Read more
It definitely would have required some finessing. Honestly I just want to hear the sci-fi theme in Chiptune. Read more