Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.

The artist missed an opportunity by not working in the genre variations, but what the heck, still awesome. Read more

I think their 10 year plan was for the franchise, not the first entry in the series. Read more

85 is a lot of hours! How long do you think completion would take for a casual focusing primarily on progressing the main section of narrative? Read more

Thank the Guardians, it's ultra-mobility is much more rewarding that plunking potshots from cover. Read more

You're right, but I don't mind. I look at some of what Halo 5 has to offer and see a missed opportunity for Bungie in terms of pvp. Even though I love Destiny and have sunk hours into it, I've gotten to the point where the only thing left for me really is to farm or play Crucible, and the latter is showing signs of Read more

Mobility is the new standard in FPS. The fact that the maps don't allow for verticality, and that the characters are slow moving is a bit worrisome. Does each character have a double jump? Read more

Wow, this looks better than Harmony of Despair. Make this buyable, Konami! Read more

Pretty sure I designed this Batman in Soul Calibur V.

This looks amazing. The opening shot gave me chills. I mean, it is cold down here, but also, dying chocobo? Nothing is sacred. Read more

Hey! We're aware of this and will have a fix out soon! Read more

Bungie instituted the teleport changes due to players exploiting check points, which led to everyone and their mother getting the top-tier loot (see: Mythoclast) reserved for the best of the best. Read more

I'm no huge fan of the dudebro "WHATSUPGUYS" game vids on YouTube - in fact I loathe them. But this guy? This is what I imagine a conversation with grandpa would sound like, if grandpa got really into Destiny and had a Scottish accent. Read more

I very hotly anticipated this thing, but your experience with PS4 remote play really harshes my mellow. Read more

I want so badly to play this game, to kill things and to take beautiful pictures of Talion's sadism masked as a crusade for justice. I wish Gamefly would stop messing around and mail my copy out :( Read more

Yannick, why doesn't every game have a photo mode? They should all have that, all of them. Can you contact all of the dev studios to let them know? Thanks pal! Read more

Really? Truth, with aggressive target seeking and proximity detonation on top of void damage, seems unbeatable to me. I aim in the general area of something and get at least 1 kill, instantly. Read more

The Devil You Know is so incredibly bad ass, it's almost incomprehensible. Read more

I was hoping for a more demotivational spin, where the man would be verbally abused by win quotes. Read more