Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.

I played an Iron Banner match where my team went against 4 Vex Mythoclasts. I can tell you it is not a level playing field going against one of them, let alone 4. Read more

This is great, Stephen. Looking forward to the continued post release coverage, and the eventual communities and verticals that pop up to maintain that. Cheers! Read more

This is very exciting, not only because Quan Chi is a total badass, but also because it gives us some great hints into the story of MKX. Following MK9, it was a bit difficult to determine where the narrative was going, but hearing that Quan Chi is an integral part of the story who has reanimated several of Read more

Currently beating a dead horse.

I think a lot of the Crucible is running the aggressive close-range secondary game (shotty or fusion) where, of course Bladedancer is OP because that's the whole point of the class. Provided you see it coming, a kill trade is a pretty good scenario. Read more

What? I didn't know that was possible. In fact, I thought Fist of Havoc simply cannot be stopped. I've emptied just about everything at a Titan mid-smash and always die, while they usually survive with about half health. How fitting that the acronym for Fist of Havoc is the same for fuck outta here. Read more

Well, he does say "Stick together, team!" at the beginning of these matches. So, even if he tried to drive the point home in a condescending tone, that rogue teammate is probably already so far lost that it wouldn't matter. Read more

When I play Skirmish with friends, we usually have our most lopsided victories when we play defense on a heavy weapon spawn and mow down the opposition as they rush us, organized or not. Read more

On the flip side, everything kills Hunters during their super very easily. Read more

This is ridiculous. It looks like the face of a Samurai Transformer. I love it.

As a sucker for synthwave, neon, and FPS, just show me where I should sign to receive this. Read more

Fantastic review, Kirk. Very evenly called, and the origin of my new favorite phrase, the world's most dangerous discotheque. Read more

I'm sure the complainants have poor network connections, which Bungie's error messaging doesn't address. I can speak from experience, where terrible network issues kept me from a stable connection during peak hours for all of launch week. I knew for a fact the problems I had were on the ISP side, not Bungie's side. Read more

My favorite part was the clear focus on how OP Titan and Warlock's supers are, while Hunter's shine is his jump modifier. Because if he triggered Golden Gun he probably would've been shot dead in his ridiculous Air Jordan pose. Read more

I was hoping the fans found a way to add facial hair to character models. Read more