Don’t ever stop bringing your brand of positive energy and understated proficiency. Miss ya Riles!
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Don’t ever stop bringing your brand of positive energy and understated proficiency. Miss ya Riles!
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Some time after I became familiar with Shep’s presence, I recall believing he was a DealsBot concocted by Ryan Brown with assistance from a friend at an ecommerce AI startup. He kind of just appeared on the blogs, which led me to assume S.H.E.P. was created to enable Shane to become a full time coffee and landscape… Read more
Some time after I became familiar with Shep’s presence, I recall believing he was a DealsBot concocted by Ryan Brown…
I’m so full of Gundam knowledge, books, plamo, and other accoutrements, but I will gladly accept more Gundam wherever it presents itself. Thank you. Read more
Shingo-mama as Goku would be incredible. Read more
Yes, it is broken is so many ways! Read more
Great interview. Shankar strikes me as such a chill dude who also happens to know his shit about gaming and production. So glad he has his hands on this Castlevania project, and I really hope he can expand from here. Vlad willing this series will be able to tell the entire story from Leon to Soma. Read more
I see, thanks for explaining! Read more
Chris, can you explain a little about the revival mechanic and what happens when you actually die? How many revives are you allowed, what is it based on, do you lose all your “souls” on death, etc. Read more
Assuming that Dirk was in NBA In The Zone 2000, I’m disappointed that version of Dirk didn’t make the cut. The ITZ series had the most amazing faces (they looked like masks) and player name pronunciation. Every time the play-by-play announcer called Latrell Sprewell “Sprool” I died. Read more
Mosthigh Thankgod willing, the Championship will pit Dr. Megha Panda vs. Dr. Taekwondo Byrd, the true events which the next Pokemon movie will be based on. Read more
Man, I love this list. Everything about it, and everything on it. And I’m so so happy to see that Whispers video, which I saw a long time ago clipped into a gif titled “When the Haitian uncles hit the town”. I was never able to find that gif again, but finding the source is so much better. Read more
A full game based on the multiplayer mode of Star Wars Jedi Academy. Proper force battles, with a god damned dueling mechanism that allows you to challenge and fight another force wielder in a bubble, safe from outside interference. That multiplayer mode was a god damned masterpiece. Read more
To this day, the best Marvel/Capcom game contains nothing but X-Men and was released in 1994.
I lived on that corner for a few years and frequented that KFC. It will be missed. Read more
Kirsten, you and your family are strong, beautiful, and amazing! The amount of strength you need to keep it together the way you have is immeasurable. Thoughts and prayers with you and yours. Read more