Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.

So I should give up up on ever seeing the Last Story released on another console? Roger that. :( Read more

I thought Hakumen, Tager, and Bang had a pretty high learning curve for playing well and varied. I will agree with you on the others. The easiest "pick up" characters imo are Ragna, Noel, are Azrael. Read more

Interesting, what are the similarities between the two? I haven't played KoF heavily since '98, but have been interested in plating XIII. Read more

Guilty Gear is pretty approachable with the exception of a handful of characters. BlazBlue is not, with the expception of 1 or 2 characters. Read more

Another change to MKX's fighting is the dash meter, which sets a limit to the amount of times a character can quickly sprint towards and away from an opponent. Read more

I had no idea this fellow was a Game of Thrones fan, let alone a crossplayer.

You're so right. I've only really noticed this during Destiny's development cycle, but holy hell are they taking user feedback and doing work with it. Read more

At heart, I still love the Yakuza series, however it's become so expansive and hard to keep up with (especially on the Western shores) that I'm wishing Nagoshi would just flip it into a movie or three so I can stay current. Read more

Salt and Sanctuary looks FANTASTIC. I hope we see more games like that on Vita, to make Sony's portable akin to Nintendo's in the days of Gameboy Advance. Read more

I long for the days of catchy game music instead of the cut-and-paste symphonic bore we get these days. I'm looking at you, Castlevania: LoS! Read more

Except for that part at the end which mildly resembles the Rapture. Read more

I could watch these before/after comparisons all day. Just give me a rockin' 8-bit soundtrack and I'll be stuck. Read more

I'm pretty sure Guilty Gear music makes everything 100x more intense. Read more

Any time I see or hear anything Vagrant Story related, I get feels for days. Read more

I would trade in all these proposed sequels for one more Vagrant Story entry. That game was so deep and darkly beautiful, and probably the only game to every make me a bit misty. Read more

I came here prepared to lament, but was quickly won over by NES ROB.

I was not expecting to be insulted so quickly, record escalation time. Bravo. Read more

I see the point you're trying to make but I don't think you're presenting it properly. Read more