So I should give up up on ever seeing the Last Story released on another console? Roger that. :( Read more
So I should give up up on ever seeing the Last Story released on another console? Roger that. :( Read more
I thought Hakumen, Tager, and Bang had a pretty high learning curve for playing well and varied. I will agree with you on the others. The easiest "pick up" characters imo are Ragna, Noel, are Azrael. Read more
Interesting, what are the similarities between the two? I haven't played KoF heavily since '98, but have been interested in plating XIII. Read more
Guilty Gear is pretty approachable with the exception of a handful of characters. BlazBlue is not, with the expception of 1 or 2 characters. Read more
Another change to MKX's fighting is the dash meter, which sets a limit to the amount of times a character can quickly sprint towards and away from an opponent. Read more
You're so right. I've only really noticed this during Destiny's development cycle, but holy hell are they taking user feedback and doing work with it. Read more
At heart, I still love the Yakuza series, however it's become so expansive and hard to keep up with (especially on the Western shores) that I'm wishing Nagoshi would just flip it into a movie or three so I can stay current. Read more
Salt and Sanctuary looks FANTASTIC. I hope we see more games like that on Vita, to make Sony's portable akin to Nintendo's in the days of Gameboy Advance. Read more
I long for the days of catchy game music instead of the cut-and-paste symphonic bore we get these days. I'm looking at you, Castlevania: LoS! Read more
Except for that part at the end which mildly resembles the Rapture. Read more
I could watch these before/after comparisons all day. Just give me a rockin' 8-bit soundtrack and I'll be stuck. Read more
I'm pretty sure Guilty Gear music makes everything 100x more intense. Read more
Any time I see or hear anything Vagrant Story related, I get feels for days. Read more
I would trade in all these proposed sequels for one more Vagrant Story entry. That game was so deep and darkly beautiful, and probably the only game to every make me a bit misty. Read more
I was not expecting to be insulted so quickly, record escalation time. Bravo. Read more
Yes! Read more
I see the point you're trying to make but I don't think you're presenting it properly. Read more
Great episode. Read more