Ernie Deeb
I like basketball, UX, neon, and synth leads. I ran a gaming blog once.

Takezo Kensei!

Hot! Backed. I've started buying less toys because I don't have the space for them, but this one will look sharp on my entertainment center. Read more

That was one of the corniest trailer's I've seen in a while, but I suppose the premise has promise. Read more

This is not a very diverse group of friends. Read more

Key light would probably be a good idea, as the light from the monitor may disrupt the exposure balance on the subject. Read more

Rage got a bad wrap. Sure it was empty and overhyped, but it was pretty and the action was great. Read more

This guy is ridiculously impressive. The recoil control and head-tracking is unreal. And some of those knife kills.. This is what a montage should be. No over-editing, no distracting effects or music, just unadulterated skill on display. Read more

He better be careful, he could start a fire.

Now playing

I know this man. Looks like the Xanax has improved his condition drastically.

Thanks for this, Chris. My homey is donating his OG Xbox so I can play my old copy of Phantom Dust to sharpen up on before the remake. Read more

I think the mystery Hello Games is building up with NMS is really working in it's favor, but I hope it doesn't blow up in their face. I want this game to succeed so bad. Read more

I actually prefer they didn't announce any sequel news. I still feel Titanfall, while a great game, is kind of incomplete and want to see a lot more added outside of DLC so I can feel like I'm getting my $ worth. Read more

This isn't dignified. Don't rely on the gross factor to portray an undead dragon. Can't you instead try to convey the deep sorrow of a magnificent beast doomed to a slow and possibly endless descent into ruin? Read more