Just in time for Thanksgiving, snag some bakeware pieces that might need to pull off the big meal. This deal includes a ceramic baking dish selling at its all-time-low price of just $14, a pie dish that can be used to make two half pies at once, and a toaster-oven-sized bakeware set including muffin tin, cookie sheet, and cake pan.
First, the ceramic dish - normally selling for $18, this dish would be perfect for stuffing or green bean casserole and looks nice enough that you could bring it to the table to serve out of too.
Next, we’ll talk about the pie pan. As long as the two pies have similar bake times, the separator in the middle (which can be removed as well for a full-size pie) allows you cook two totally different pies at the same time. It’s not the lowest price ever, but this pie pan normally floats around the $11 - $12 price range but is just $9 today. Also, just to note, it’s an add-on item.
Lastly, the toaster oven bakeware set. Your toaster oven can really come to the rescue on big holidays like this when the regular-sized oven is already full of turkey. These mini bakeware pieces can bake rolls, roast vegetables, or keep smaller dishes warm while your big oven is working away.