You Can Wear Steve's Scoops Ahoy Uniform for Halloween This Year

Scoops Ahoy Uniform Costume, Men’s and Women’s 
Scoops Ahoy Uniform Costume, Men’s and Women’s 
Graphic: Ana Luisa Suarez

We’re calling it now, the Scoops Ahoy uniform is going to be the biggest Halloween costume of 2019. Sure, it may only be July and you’re just trying to avoid 100-degree weather, but there is never a wrong time to prepare for Halloween.

Party City is clearly getting ready for October early, as they recently debuted their Stranger Things-inspired costumes. Move over Eleven and the Mind Flayer, Steve Harrington and Robin are the ones who deserve all of the attention. If you’ve seen season three of Stranger Things, then you know both Steve and Robin spent the entirety of the season wearing their Scoops Ahoy uniforms (except for a scene toward the very end of the season, but who cares about that). You can already order the Men’s and Women’s version of this costume online.

After helping to save Hawkins from the creatures of the Upside Down, it’s time to get back to being a teenager with a summer job. Serve up some ice cream this Halloween dressed in this Stranger Things Steve Costume for adults! The blue and white set is modeled after Steve’s Scoops Ahoy uniform, with a blue sailor top, apron, and blue shorts. Top the outfit with the “Steve” name tag and “Ahoy” hat to complete the iconic look. Review the size chart for additional information. Shoes and socks not included.

If you don’t want to wear a pink dress, a blonde wig, and carry a box of Eggos for Halloween this year, you’re in luck. The Women’s costume is a romper and also includes the hat and name badge. The Men’s includes the shorts, top, name badge, apron, and Scoops Ahoy hat. It even includes Steve’s ice cream scoop, though we can’t promise you’ll be able to twirl it quite as good as Mr. Harrington when making a U.S.S. Butterscotch. Both costumes cost $50 and come in two sizes, S/M and M/L for women and XS or Standard for men.
