Give Your Switch the Space It Needs With $120 off a 512GB SanDisk microSD Card

SanDisk 512GB Ultra microSDXC | $60 | Amazon
SanDisk 512GB Ultra microSDXC | $60 | Amazon
Image: Andrew Hayward

SanDisk 512GB Ultra microSDXC | $60 | Amazon

As every year passes, memory cards become more expansive yet cheaper, and that’s further shown here with this amazing microSD card bargain. This SanDisk 512GB Ultra microSDXC card can be slotted into a Nintendo Switch, camera, or smartphone that supports this memory type, and you can store as many videos, photos, and games as the memory card can handle.

It’s $120 off the list price right now for a sizable chunk of storage. If that’s more than you need, Amazon also has a 256GB version for just $27.

This story was originally published by Daryl Baxter on 10/13/2020 and updated by Andrew Hayward with new information on 12/17/2020.