7-Day Free Trial | Evia
By 2025, approximately 1 billion people worldwide will be experiencing menopause. Not just menopause, either, but all of the total bonuses (hot flashes, night sweats, and more) that come with it. Fortunately, though, this isn’t something people need to go through alone. Especially now, when you can receive a 7-Day Free Trial to Evia—a menopause app that’s the first of it’s kind. Part-wellness tracker, part-health coach, the easy-to-use app offers ways for users to record their symptoms and receive on-demand hypnotherapy treatment for them. Developed with science-backed methods, Evia is designed to be used about 15 minutes per day, and includes “bite-sized education” articles built directly into the app to help inform users about the delights of what they’re experiencing. Download it today and receive a free one-week trial of all it has to offer. Evia, that is. Menopause ... won’t end that quickly. But hey, that’s what the app is for.