Work Harder in the New Year With This 45% Off Standing Desk

It's a nice desk. IT'S A NICE DESK! Sit or stand!!!

TechOrbits Adjustable Height Standing Desk | $99 | 45% Off | Amazon | Clip Coupon
TechOrbits Adjustable Height Standing Desk | $99 | 45% Off | Amazon | Clip Coupon
Graphic: Erin O’Brien

TechOrbits Adjustable Height Standing Desk | $99 | 45% Off | Amazon | Clip Coupon

Work-from-home is not going anywhere (cross your fingers), so it’s a good time to grab this 45% off adjustable desk from Amazon. Clip the coupon! Stand or sit! Finally fix your damn posture! All jokes aside, this adjustable desk is a delight—and under $100 when you clip the coupon. The two-tier workstation can support up to 60 pounds—so get your whole setup on there! And if standing’s not your thing, you can easily crank the desk to a sitting posture. The brand makes two desks they call “Swanky” and “Lanky,” and I’m not sure which one this is, but I think that’s funny. Anyway! Clip the coupon and make your workstation a little more flexible for just $99.