Treat Yourself To Live Plants From Costa Farms on Amazon

Costa Farms' plant sale lets you bring home the greenery!

This sale includes their bestselling snake plant: one of the easiest beginner plants.
This sale includes their bestselling snake plant: one of the easiest beginner plants.
Graphic: Erin O’Brien

Hey, aspiring plant parents! Spring is around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to start curating your greenery, indoors and out. Think about your plantscape, think about what you can fit into your apartment! This Costa Farms plant sale, happening on Amazon, might spark some inspiration. These are all live plants, and are packed with care.

Costa Farms Plant Sale | Up to 45% Off | Amazon
Costa Farms Snake Plant | $21 | 28% Off | Amazon

For one, the Amazon bestselling snake plant is only $21 right now. Who knew! This 1'-2' tall plant is a great choice for beginner plant parents; they don’t need a ton of water, and aren’t too fussy about sunlight—any sunlight will do. If you’re a hair more adventurous, the Costa Farms money tree is a pet-friendly—and lucky!—pick.
